Source code for


Build a kubernetes cluster on a cloud
import asyncio
import random
import string
import sys
import time
import urllib

import openstack
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization

from koris.cli import write_kubeconfig
from koris.deploy.k8s import K8S, add_ingress_listeners
from koris.provision.cloud_init import FirstMasterInit, NthMasterInit, NodeInit
from koris.ssl import create_key, create_ca, CertBundle
from koris.ssl import discovery_hash as get_discovery_hash
from koris.deploy.dex import (create_dex, create_oauth2, DexSSL,
                              create_dex_conf, ValidationError)
from koris.util.logger import Logger
from koris.ssl import b64_cert, b64_key
from .openstack import (Instance, OSCloudConfig, LoadBalancer, InstanceExists)

LOGGER = Logger(__name__)

[docs]def get_server_range(servers, cluster_name, role, amount): """ Given a list of servers find the last server name and add N more """ servers = [s for s in servers if] servers = [s for s in servers if role in] lastname = sorted(servers, key=lambda x:[-1].name idx = int(lastname.split('-')[-1]) return range(idx + 1, idx + amount + 1)
[docs]class NodeBuilder: """ Interact with openstack and create a virtual machines with a volume, and network interface. The machines are provisioned with cloud-init. Args: config (dict) - the parsed configuration file osinfo (OSClusterInfo) - information about the currect cluster cloud_config (OSCloudConfig) - the cloud config generator """ def __init__(self, config, osinfo, cloud_config=None): LOGGER.debug("Gathering node information from OpenStack ...") self.config = config self._info = osinfo self.cloud_config = cloud_config
[docs] def create_new_nodes(self, role='node', zone=None, flavor=None, amount=1): """ add additional nodes """ self._info.setup_networking() nodes = [Instance(self._info.storage_client, self._info.compute_client, '%s-%s-%d' % (self.config['cluster-name'], role, n),, zone, role, {'image': self._info.image, 'class': self._info.storage_class}, flavor ) for n in get_server_range(self._info.compute_client.servers.list(), self.config['cluster-name'], role, amount)] for node in nodes: node.attach_port(self._info.netclient,['id'], self._info.secgroups) return nodes
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals
[docs] def create_nodes_tasks(self, host, token, ca_info, role='node', flavor=None, zone=None, amount=1, k8s_version=KUBERNETES_BASE_VERSION): """ Create tasks for adding nodes when running ``koris add --args ...`` Args: ca_cert (CertBundle.cert) token (str) discovery_hash (str) host (str) - the address of the master or loadbalancer flavor (str or None) zone (str) """ ca_cert = ca_info['ca_cert'] discovery_hash = ca_info['discovery_hash'] url = urllib.parse.urlparse(host) host_addr = url.netloc.split(":")[0] if ":" in url.netloc: host_port = url.netloc.split(":")[-1] else: host_port = 6443 if flavor: flavor = self._info.compute_client.flavors.find(name=flavor) else: flavor = self._info.node_flavor nodes = self.create_new_nodes(role=role, zone=zone, amount=amount, flavor=flavor) nodes = self._create_nodes_tasks(ca_cert, host_addr, host_port, token, discovery_hash, nodes, k8s_version=k8s_version) return nodes
[docs] @staticmethod def launch_new_nodes(node_tasks): """ Launch all nodes when running ``koris add ...`` """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*node_tasks)) loop.close()
[docs] def get_nodes(self): """ get information on the nodes from openstack. Return: list [openstack.Instance, openstack.Instance, ...] """ return list(self._info.distribute_nodes())
[docs] def create_initial_nodes(self, cloud_config, ca_bundle, lb_ip, lb_port, bootstrap_token, discovery_hash, k8s_version=KUBERNETES_BASE_VERSION, pod_network="CALICO"): """ Create all initial nodes when running ``koris apply <config>`` """ self.cloud_config = cloud_config nodes = self.get_nodes() nodes = self._create_nodes_tasks(ca_bundle.cert, lb_ip, lb_port, bootstrap_token, discovery_hash, nodes, k8s_version=k8s_version, pod_network=pod_network) return nodes
def _create_nodes_tasks(self, ca_cert, lb_ip, lb_port, bootstrap_token, discovery_hash, nodes, k8s_version=KUBERNETES_BASE_VERSION, pod_network="CALICO"): """ Create future tasks for creating the cluster worker nodes """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() tasks = [] for node in nodes: if node.exists: raise InstanceExists("Node {} already exists! Skipping " "creation of the cluster.".format(node)) userdata = str(NodeInit(ca_cert, self.cloud_config, lb_ip, lb_port, bootstrap_token, discovery_hash, k8s_version=k8s_version, pod_network=pod_network)) tasks.append(loop.create_task( node.create(node.flavor, self._info.secgroups, self._info.keypair, userdata) )) return tasks
[docs]class ControlPlaneBuilder: # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-arguments """ Interact with openstack and create a virtual machines with a volume, and network interface. The machines are provisioned with cloud-init. This class builds the control plane machine, and although it is similar to NodeBuilder it uses a bit slightly different methods under the hood to configure the control plane services. Args: config (dict) - the parsed configuration file osinfo (OSClusterInfo) - information about the currect cluster cloud_config (OSCloudConfig) - the cloud config generator """ def __init__(self, config, osinfo, cloud_config=None): LOGGER.debug("Gathering control plane information from OpenStack ...") self._config = config self._info = osinfo self.cloud_config = cloud_config
[docs] def get_masters(self): """ get information on the nodes from openstack. Return: list [openstack.Instance, openstack.Instance, ...] """ return list(self._info.distribute_management())
[docs] def create_masters_tasks(self, ssh_key, ca_bundle, cloud_config, lb_ip, lb_port, bootstrap_token, lb_dns='', pod_subnet="", pod_network="CALICO", dex=None, k8s_version=KUBERNETES_BASE_VERSION): """ Create future tasks for creating the cluster control plane nodesself. """ masters = self.get_masters() if not len(masters) % 2: LOGGER.warnning("The number of masters should be odd!") return [] loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() tasks = [] for index, master in enumerate(masters): if master.exists: raise InstanceExists("Node {} already exists! Skipping " "creation of the cluster.".format(master)) if not index: # create userdata for first master node if not existing koris_env = { "master_ips": [master.ip_address for master in masters], "master_names": [ for master in masters], "lb_dns": lb_dns, "lb_ip": lb_ip, "lb_port": lb_port, "bootstrap_token": bootstrap_token, "pod_subnet": pod_subnet, "pod_network": pod_network, "k8s_version": k8s_version } userdata = str(FirstMasterInit(ssh_key, ca_bundle, cloud_config, dex=dex, koris_env=koris_env)) else: # create userdata for following master nodes if not existing koris_env = {"k8s_version": k8s_version, "auto_join": 0} userdata = str(NthMasterInit(cloud_config, ssh_key, dex=dex, koris_env=koris_env)) tasks.append(loop.create_task( master.create(self._info.master_flavor, self._info.secgroups, self._info.keypair, userdata) )) return tasks
[docs] def create_new_master(self, zone=None, flavor=None, ): """ Creates a new instance in OpenStack and labels it as a K8s master Args: zone (str): The availability zone to create the master in. flavor (str): The noris.cloude instance flavor of the master. Returns: An instance of `` which represents the added master. """ role = 'master' master_number = next(iter( get_server_range(self._info.compute_client.servers.list(), self._config['cluster-name'], role, 1))) master = Instance(self._info.storage_client, self._info.compute_client, '%s-%s-%s' % (self._config['cluster-name'], role, master_number ),, zone, role, {'image': self._info.image, 'class': self._info.storage_class}, flavor ) master.attach_port(self._info.netclient,['id'], self._info.secgroups) return master
[docs] def add_master( self, zone, flavor, k8s_version=KUBERNETES_BASE_VERSION, k8s_conf=None, **kwargs): """Adds a new instance in OpenStack which will be provisioned as master. - Create a new machine - Grab the public key from OpenStack so the master-add-pod can SSH to it. Args: zone (str): The availability zone to create the master in. flavor (str): The instance flavor of the master. Returns: The results of the asyncio task. """ cloud_config = self.cloud_config master = self.create_new_master(zone, flavor) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() key = self._info.conn.compute.find_keypair( koris_env = {"k8s_version": k8s_version} koris_env.update(kwargs.get('koris_env', {})) init = NthMasterInit( cloud_config, key.public_key, koris_env=koris_env, k8s_conf=k8s_conf, ) userdata = str(init) task = loop.create_task(master.create( self._info.master_flavor, self._info.secgroups, self._info.keypair, userdata)) loop.run_until_complete(*[task]) return task.result()
[docs]class ClusterBuilder: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Plan and build a kubernetes cluster in the cloud """ def __init__(self, config, oscinfo, nova, neutron, cinder, conn): if not (config['n-masters'] % 2 and config['n-masters'] >= 1): LOGGER.error("You must have an odd number (>=1) of masters!") sys.exit(2) self.nova, self.neutron, self.cinder = nova, neutron, cinder self.conn = conn = oscinfo self.nodes_builder = NodeBuilder(config, self.masters_builder = ControlPlaneBuilder(config, self.deploy_dex = False self.dex_conf = None
[docs] @staticmethod def create_bootstrap_token(): """create a new random bootstrap token like f62bcr.fedcba9876543210, a valid token matches the expression [a-z0-9]{6}.[a-z0-9]{16}""" token = "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for n in range(6)]) token += "." token = token + "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for n in range(16)]) return token
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_discovery_hash(ca_bundle): """ calculate the discovery hash based on the ca_bundle """ return get_discovery_hash(ca_bundle.cert)
[docs] @staticmethod def create_ca(): """create a self signed CA""" _key = create_key(size=2048) _ca = create_ca(_key, _key.public_key(), "DE", "BY", "NUE", "Kubernetes", "CDA-RT", "kubernetes-ca") return CertBundle(_key, _ca)
[docs] def create_ssh_keypair(self): """Generates a keypair for the first master node. The master node needs a keypair which is uploaded to OpenStack. This keypair is then used for adding master nodes to the cluster. This key pair is also added as a secret to the master-adder-pod. Returns: An OpenStack keypair. """ ssh_key = create_key() pub_key_ascii = ssh_key.public_key().public_bytes( serialization.Encoding.OpenSSH, serialization.PublicFormat.OpenSSH).decode() try:, public_key=pub_key_ascii) except openstack.exceptions.ConflictException:, public_key=pub_key_ascii) return ssh_key
[docs] def create_network(self): """Sets up networking for the cluster.""" subnet = cloud_config = OSCloudConfig(subnet['id']) return cloud_config
[docs] def run(self, config): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements """ execute the complete cluster build """ # Extract Kubernetes version if 'version' in config and 'k8s' in config['version']: k8s_version = config['version']['k8s'] else: k8s_version = KUBERNETES_BASE_VERSION"Building Kubernetes %s cluster '%s'", k8s_version, config['cluster-name'])"Setting up networking ...") cloud_config = self.create_network() # generate CA key pair for the cluster, that is used to authenticate # the clients that can use kubeadm"Creating Kubernetes CA ...") ca_bundle = self.create_ca() ssh_key = self.create_ssh_keypair() cert_dir = "-".join(("certs", config["cluster-name"])) # Check if dex has to be deployed if 'addons' in config and 'dex' in config['addons']: self.deploy_dex = True"Addons: Dex will be configured") # generate ssh key pair for first master node. It is used to connect # to the other nodes so that they can join the cluster ssh_key = self.create_ssh_keypair() # create a load balancer for accessing the API server of the cluster; # do not add a listener, since we created no machines yet."Creating the LoadBalancer ...") lbinst = LoadBalancer(config, self.conn, self.neutron) lb, floatingip = lbinst.get_or_create() lb_port = "6443" lb_dns = config.get('loadbalancer', {}).get('dnsname') or floatingip lb_ip = floatingip if floatingip else lb['vip_address'] # calculate information needed for joining nodes to the cluster... # calculate bootstrap token bootstrap_token = ClusterBuilder.create_bootstrap_token() # calculate discovery hash discovery_hash = self.calculate_discovery_hash(ca_bundle) if self.deploy_dex:"Setting up Dex SSL infrastructure ...") # Dex Issuer will be set to the Floating IP, or LoadBalancer DNS Name if lb_dns == lb_ip or lb_dns is None: issuer = lb_ip else: issuer = lb_dns"Dex CA Issuer set to %s", issuer) dex_ssl = DexSSL(cert_dir, issuer) dex_ssl.save_certs() try: self.dex_conf = create_dex_conf(config['addons']['dex'], dex_ssl) except (ValidationError, TypeError, KeyError) as exc: LOGGER.error(f"Unable to parse dex config: {exc}") LOGGER.error("Skipping Dex deployment") self.deploy_dex = False self.dex_conf = None # create the master nodes with ssh_key (private and public key) # first task in returned list is task for first master node"Waiting for master instances to be launched...") master_tasks = self.masters_builder.create_masters_tasks( ssh_key, ca_bundle, cloud_config, lb_ip, lb_port, bootstrap_token, lb_dns, config.get("pod_subnet", ""), config.get("pod_network", "CALICO"), dex=self.dex_conf, k8s_version=k8s_version) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() master_results = loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*master_tasks)) master_ips = [x.ip_address for x in master_results if isinstance(x, Instance)] # add a listener for the first master node, since this is the node we # call kubeadm init on"Configuring the LoadBalancer ...") first_master_ip = master_results[0].ip_address configure_lb_task = loop.create_task( lbinst.configure([first_master_ip])) # create the worker nodes"Waiting for worker instances to be launched and the " "LoadBalancer to be configured...") node_tasks = self.nodes_builder.create_initial_nodes( cloud_config, ca_bundle, lb_ip, lb_port, bootstrap_token, discovery_hash, k8s_version=k8s_version, pod_network=config['pod_network'] ) node_tasks.append(configure_lb_task) node_results = loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*node_tasks)) LOGGER.debug("Finished node tasks") node_ips = [x.ip_address for x in node_results if isinstance(x, Instance)] if self.deploy_dex:"Configuring the LoadBalancer for Dex ...") dex_listener = self.dex_conf['ports']['listener'] dex_service = self.dex_conf['ports']['service'] dex_members = master_ips dex_task = loop.create_task(create_dex(lbinst, listener_port=dex_listener, pool_port=dex_service, members=dex_members)) client_listener = self.dex_conf['client']['ports']['listener'] client_service = self.dex_conf['client']['ports']['service'] client_members = node_ips oauth_task = loop.create_task(create_oauth2(lbinst, listener_port=client_listener, pool_port=client_service, members=client_members)) tasks = [dex_task, oauth_task] loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*tasks))"Finished configuring LoadBalancer for Dex") # We should no be able to query the API server for available nodes # with a valid certificate from the generated CA. Hence, generate # a client certificate."Talking to the API server and waiting for masters to be " "online.") client_cert = CertBundle.create_signed( ca_bundle, "DE", "BY", "NUE", "system:masters", "system:masters", "kubernetes-admin", "", "") # send certificates and keys to kube config kubeconfig = write_kubeconfig(config["cluster-name"], lb_ip, lb_port, b64_cert(ca_bundle.cert), b64_cert(client_cert.cert), b64_key(client_cert.key)) # Now connect to the the API server and query which masters are # available. k8s = K8S(kubeconfig) LOGGER.logger.handlers[0].terminator = """Waiting for Kubernetes API Server to become available ...") while not k8s.is_ready: time.sleep(2)".", color=False) LOGGER.logger.handlers[0].terminator = "\n""", color=None) LOGGER.success("Kubernetes API is ready!")"Waiting for all masters to become Ready ...") lb_masters = [{"name":, "address": x.ip_address, "protocol_port": 6443, "monitor_port": 6443} for x in master_results if isinstance(x, Instance)] lb_nodes = [{"name":, "address": x.ip_address, } for x in node_results if isinstance(x, Instance)] if not lbinst.bulk_update_members(lb_masters): k8s.add_all_masters_to_loadbalancer(config['cluster-name'], len(master_tasks), lbinst) k8s.apply_addons(config) add_ingress_listeners(k8s.nginx_ingress_ports, lbinst, lb_masters + lb_nodes) LOGGER.success("Configured LoadBalancer to use all API servers") LOGGER.success("Kubernetes cluster is ready to use !") loop.close()