Source code for

functions and classes to interact with openstack
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
import asyncio
import base64
import copy
import json
import os
import sys
import textwrap

from functools import lru_cache

from netaddr import IPNetwork, valid_ipv4, valid_ipv6
from novaclient import client as nvclient
from novaclient.exceptions import (NotFound as NovaNotFound, NoUniqueMatch)  # noqa
from cinderclient import client as cclient

from neutronclient.v2_0 import client as ntclient
from neutronclient.common.exceptions import (Conflict as NeutronConflict,
                                             StateInvalidClient, NotFound,
from octaviaclient.api.v2.octavia import OctaviaAPI

from openstack.exceptions import ConflictException as OSConflict
from openstack.exceptions import ResourceNotFound as OSNotFound

from keystoneauth1 import identity
from keystoneauth1 import session

from import OpenStackAPI
from koris.util.util import (host_names, retry)
from koris.util.logger import Logger

LOGGER = Logger(__name__)

# OpenStack clients. Initialized at time of calling get_clients. You should not
# use these directly bur rather call get_clients to ensure those variables
# get initialized correctly.

# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name, global-statement
[docs]def get_clients(with_octavia=False): """ get openstack low level clients This should be replaced in the future with ``openstack.connect`` """ global NOVA, NEUTRON, CINDER, OCTAVIA if(not NOVA or not NEUTRON or not CINDER): # at least one client has not already been initialized try: auth = identity.Password(**read_os_auth_variables()) sess = session.Session(auth=auth) NOVA = nvclient.Client('2.1', session=sess) NEUTRON = ntclient.Client(session=sess) CINDER = cclient.Client('3.0', session=sess) if with_octavia: endpoint = os.environ.get("OCTAVIA_ENDPOINT", "") OCTAVIA = OctaviaAPI(session=sess, endpoint=endpoint) except TypeError: LOGGER.error("Did you source your OS rc file in v3?") LOGGER.error("If your file has the key OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE it's the" " wrong one!") sys.exit(1) except KeyError: LOGGER.error("Did you source your OS rc file?") sys.exit(1) if with_octavia: return NOVA, NEUTRON, CINDER, OCTAVIA return NOVA, NEUTRON, CINDER
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): # pragma: nocoverage def monkey_patch(): """monkey patch get available versions, because the original code uses __file__ which is not available in frozen build""" return ['2', '1'] nvclient.api_versions.get_available_major_versions = monkey_patch def monkey_patch_cider(): """the same spiel for cinder""" return ['3'] cclient.api_versions.get_available_major_versions = monkey_patch_cider # noqa
[docs]def get_connection(): """Establishes an OpenStack connection. This function will exit with error code 1 in case a connection could not be established. Returns: conn (OpenStackAPI.Connection): an OpenStack Connection Object. """ try: conn = OpenStackAPI.connect() except OpenStackAPI.exceptions.ConfigException as exc: LOGGER.error("unable to establish OpenStack Cloud connection:") LOGGER.error("%s - have you sourced your OpenStack RC file?", exc) sys.exit(1) if conn is None or conn.session is None: LOGGER.error("unable to establish OpenStack Cloud connection") sys.exit(1) return conn
[docs]def delete_instance(name, conn, ignore_not_found=True): """Removes a server from OpenStack. This will also remove Volumes and Network ports. Args: name (str): Name of the Server to delete. conn: An OpenStack Connection object. ignore_not_found (bool): If set to False, raises InstanceNotFound if the instance doesn't exist. """ srv = conn.compute.find_server(name) if not srv or srv is None: msg = f"Instance '{name}' doesn't exist, skipping deletion" if ignore_not_found: return raise InstanceNotFound(msg) # Deleting the instance and volumes conn.compute.delete_server(srv) # Deleting attached network ports ports = list( for port in ports: LOGGER.success("OpenStack instance '%s' has been deleted successfully", name)
[docs]class BuilderError(Exception): """Raise a custom error if the build fails"""
[docs]class InstanceExists(Exception): """raise a custom error if the machine exists"""
[docs]class InstanceNotFound(Exception): """Raises a custom error if machine doesn't exist."""
[docs]class Instance: # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """ Create an Openstack Server with an attached volume """ def __init__(self, cinder, nova, name, network, zone, role, volume_config, flavor): self.cinder = cinder self.nova = nova = name = network = zone self.flavor = flavor self.volume_config = volume_config self.role = role self.ports = [] self._ip_address = None self.exists = False @property def nics(self): """return all network interfaces attached to the instance""" return [{'net-id':['id'], 'port-id': self.ports[0]['port']['id']}] @property def ip_address(self): """return the IP address of the first NIC""" try: return self.ports[0]['port']['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] except TypeError: return self.ports[0].fixed_ips[0]['ip_address'] except IndexError: raise AttributeError("Instance has no ports attached")
[docs] def attach_port(self, netclient, net, secgroups): """associate a network port with an instance""" port = netclient.create_port({"port": {"admin_state_up": True, "network_id": net, "security_groups": secgroups}}) self.ports.append(port)
async def _create_volume(self): # pragma: no coverage bdm_v2 = { "boot_index": 0, "source_type": "volume", "volume_size": str(self.volume_config.get('size', 25)), "destination_type": "volume", "delete_on_termination": True} vol = self.cinder.volumes.create(self.volume_config.get('size', 25),, imageRef=self.volume_config.get('image').id,, volume_type=self.volume_config.get('class')) while vol.status != 'available': await asyncio.sleep(1) vol = self.cinder.volumes.get( LOGGER.debug("created volume %s %s", vol, vol.volume_type) if vol.bootable != 'true': vol.update(bootable=True) # wait for mark as bootable await asyncio.sleep(2) volume_data = copy.deepcopy(bdm_v2) volume_data['uuid'] = return volume_data
[docs] async def create(self, flavor, secgroups, keypair, userdata): # pragma: no coverage """ Boot the instance on openstack returns the OpenStack instance """ if self.exists: return self volume_data = await self._create_volume() try:"Creating instance %s... ", instance = self.nova.servers.create(,, image=None,, flavor=flavor, nics=self.nics, security_groups=secgroups, block_device_mapping_v2=[volume_data], userdata=userdata ) except (Exception) as err: LOGGER.error("Something weired happend, I so I didn't create %s" %"Removing cluster ...")"Exception: {err}") raise BuilderError(str(err)) inst_status = instance.status LOGGER.debug("Waiting 5 seconds for machine to be launched ... ") await asyncio.sleep(5) while inst_status == 'BUILD': LOGGER.debug( "Instance: %s is in in %s state, sleeping for 5 more seconds",, inst_status) await asyncio.sleep(5) instance = self.nova.servers.get( inst_status = instance.status LOGGER.debug(f"Instance '{} is in state: {inst_status}") self._ip_address = instance.interface_list()[0].fixed_ips[0]['ip_address'] LOGGER.success( "Instance '%s' booted successfully. Status: %s, IP: %s",, instance.status, self._ip_address) self.exists = True return self
[docs] async def delete(self, netclient): """stop and terminate an instance""" try: server = self.nova.servers.find( nics = list(server.interface_list()) server.delete() list(netclient.delete_port( for nic in nics) LOGGER.success("Instance '%s' deleted successfully", except NovaNotFound: pass
[docs]class LoadBalancer: """A class to create a LoadBalancer in OpenStack. Openstack allows one to create a loadbalancer and configure it later. Thus we create a LoadBalancer, so we have it's IP. The IP of the LoadBalancer, is then stored in the SSL certificates. During the boot of the machines, we configure the LoadBalancer. """ members_uri = '/v2.0/lbaas/pools/%s/members' def __init__(self, config, conn, neutron=None): self.config = config = "%s-lb" % config['cluster-name'] self.neutron = neutron try: self.subnet_name = config.get('private_net')['subnet'].get('name', except (KeyError, TypeError): self.subnet_name = None # these attributes are set after creation self._id = None self._subnet_id = None self._data = None self._existing_floating_ip = None self.conn = conn self.floatingip = config.get('loadbalancer', {}).get('floatingip', None)
[docs] def check_floating_ip_availability(self, fip): """ Find if a floating ip exists in the pool and if it's available for assignement. Args: fip (str): a floating ip exits, if floating ip not available in pool exits, if floating ip already being used """ fip = if not fip: LOGGER.error("Floating IP %s doesn't exist, please create it first", self.floatingip) sys.exit(1) elif fip.status == 'ACTIVE': LOGGER.error("Floating IP %s already in use, please use another one", fip.floating_ip_address) sys.exit(1) elif fip.status == 'DOWN':"Using floating IP %s", fip.floating_ip_address)
@property def master_listener(self): """Returns the listener of name MASTER_LISTENER_NAME, including additional info. Returns: A dict containing all necessary information of the master listener:: { 'name': '<>', 'id': '<>', 'pool': { 'name': '<>', 'id': '<>', 'members': [ { 'id': '<pool.members[i].id:str>', 'name': '<>', 'address': '<member.address:str>', }, {...} ] }, } } """ listener = self._get_master_listener() if not listener: return None listener_name = '-'.join((MASTER_LISTENER_NAME, self.config['cluster-name'])) if != listener_name: LOGGER.error("Listener '%s' (%s) should be named (%s)",,, listener_name) return None pool = self._pool_info(listener.default_pool_id) out = {} out['name'] = out['id'] = out['pool'] = pool return out def _get_master_listener(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements """Returns the Listener with name MASTER_LISTENER_NAME associated to the LB.""" # LB isn't configured yet if not self._id or not self._data: LOGGER.error("LoadBalancer not configured yet") return None # Get our LB from OpenStack lb = self.conn.load_balancer.find_load_balancer(self._id) if not lb: LOGGER.error("Unable to find LoadBalancer '%s' (%s)",, self._id) return None # Check if LB has listeners if not lb.listeners: LOGGER.error("LoadBalancer '%s' (%s) has no listeners",, self._id) return None # Iterate over Listeners associated with LB... master_listeners = [] listener_name = '-'.join((MASTER_LISTENER_NAME, self.config['cluster-name'])) for li in lb.listeners: # Check if single Listener has name MASTER_LISTENER_NAME try: listener = self.conn.load_balancer.find_listener(li['id']) except (TypeError, KeyError) as exc: LOGGER.error("Unable to access LoadBalancer.listeners: %s", exc) return None # Not this one, check next if not listener: continue # This one is good, append to list if == listener_name: master_listeners.append(listener) if not master_listeners: LOGGER.error("Unable to find Listener with name '%s'", listener_name) return None if len(master_listeners) > 1: LOGGER.error("Found more than one Listener found with name '%s'", MASTER_LISTENER_NAME) return None return master_listeners[0] def _pool_info(self, pool_id): """A list with Pool Information of a Listener. Args: listener (:class:``): An OpenStack Listener Object Returns: A dict which is of the following structure: { 'name': '<>', 'id': '<>', 'members': [ { 'id': '<pool.members[i].id:str>', 'name': '<>', 'address': '<member.address:str>', }, {...} ] }, } """ pool = self.conn.load_balancer.find_pool(pool_id) if not pool: LOGGER.debug("Unable to find pool '%s'", pool_id) return None # Get information about every member in the pool members = [] for mem in pool.members: mem_id = mem['id'] member = self.conn.load_balancer.find_member(mem_id, pool) if not member: LOGGER.debug("Unable to find member '%s' in pool '%s' (%s)", mem_id,, pool_id) continue members.append({ 'id': mem_id, 'name':, 'address': member.address }) pool = { 'name':, 'id':, 'members': members } return pool
[docs] async def configure(self, master_ips): """Configure a load balancer created in earlier step Args: master_ips (list): A list of the master IP addresses """ # If not present, add listener if not self._data.listeners: listener = self.add_listener( name='-'.join((MASTER_LISTENER_NAME, self.config['cluster-name']))) # noqa listener_id = else: LOGGER.debug("Reusing listener %s", self._data.listeners[0].id) listener_id = self._data.listeners[0].id if not self._data.pools: pool = self.add_pool( listener_id, name='-'.join((MASTER_POOL_NAME, self.config['cluster-name']))) else: LOGGER.debug("Reusing pool, removing all members ...") # (aknipping) This should be handled differently. If there are multiple # pools present, we want to specify which it should be added too. Maybe with a # default pool name that is independent of the cluster name? pool =[0]['id']) for member_id in [list(x.values())[0] for x in pool.members]: self.del_member(member_id, for member in master_ips: LOGGER.debug("Adding member %s ...", member) self.add_member(, member) if pool.get('healthmonitor_id'): LOGGER.debug("Reusing existing health monitor") else: self.add_health_monitor(
[docs] def get(self): """Retrieve LoadBalancer information""" lb = self.conn.load_balancer.find_load_balancer( if lb: self._id = self._subnet_id = lb.vip_subnet_id self._data = lb return lb
[docs] def get_or_create(self): """Retrieve or create a LoadBalancer""" lb = self.get() if not lb or 'DELETE' in lb['provisioning_status']: lb, fip_addr = self.create() else: LOGGER.debug("Reusing existing LoadBalancer ...") self._existing_floating_ip = None self.check_floating_ip_availability(self.floatingip) fip_addr = self._floating_ip_address(lb) LOGGER.success("Loadbalancer IP: %s", fip_addr) self._id = self._subnet_id = lb.vip_subnet_id self._data = lb return lb, fip_addr
@property def ip_address(self): """Return the LoadBalancer's IP or Floating IP address""" if not self._data: self.get() if self._data.vip_address: return self._data.vip_address if self._existing_floating_ip: return self._existing_floating_ip try: floatingips = list( except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass if floatingips: self._existing_floating_ip = floatingips[0].floating_ip_address return self._existing_floating_ip return None def _floating_ip_address(self, lb): floatingips = list( if floatingips: self._existing_floating_ip = floatingips[0].floating_ip_address fip_addr = self._existing_floating_ip else: if isinstance(self.floatingip, str): fip_addr = self.associate_floating_ip(lb) else: fip_addr = None return fip_addr
[docs] def create(self): """Provision a minimally configured LoadBalancer in OpenStack Return: tuple (dict, str) - the dict is the load balancer information, if a floating IP was associated it is returned as a string. Else it's None. """ # see examle of how to create an LB # if self.subnet_name: subnet_id = self.conn.get_subnet(self.subnet_name).id else: # match created subnet id with the corresponding one in subnets network = OSNetwork(self.config, self.conn).get_or_create() subnets = list( subnet_id = subnets[0].id lb = self.conn.load_balancer.create_load_balancer( vip_subnet_id=subnet_id, name=f"{}" ) self._id = self._subnet_id = subnet_id self._data = lb LOGGER.success("LoadBalancer '%s' (%s) created successfully",, self._id) fip_addr = None # Only associate floatingip if it's set to a value in config # (aknipping) for now, setting it to 'true' will not do anything if isinstance(self.floatingip, str): fip_addr = self.associate_floating_ip(lb) return lb, fip_addr
[docs] @retry(exceptions=(NeutronConflict, NotFound, BadRequest, OSConflict), backoff=1, tries=10, logger=LOGGER.debug) def delete(self): """Delete the cluster API loadbalancer Deletion order of LoadBalancer (done via --cascade): - remove pool (LB is pending up date) - if healthmonitor in pool, delete it first - remove listener (LB is pending update) - remove LB (LB is pending delete) """ # Check if LB is assigned lb = self._data if not lb: # Find LB in OpenStack lb = self.get() if not lb or 'DELETE' in lb.operating_status: LOGGER.warning("LoadBalancer %s was not found", else: LOGGER.debug("Deleting LoadBalancer %s ...", self._del_loadbalancer()
[docs] def associate_floating_ip(self, loadbalancer): """Associates a Floating IP with the LoadBalancer""" valid_ip = valid_ipv4(self.floatingip) or valid_ipv6(self.floatingip) if not valid_ip: LOGGER.error("'%s' is not a valid IP address", self.floatingip) sys.exit(1) if self._existing_floating_ip == self.floatingip: return self._existing_floating_ip fip = # Assign IP to LB try: fip =, port_id=loadbalancer.vip_port_id) except OSNotFound: LOGGER.error("The resource {} cannot be associated".format(self.floatingip)) self.delete() sys.exit(1) LOGGER.success("Loadbalancer external IP: %s", fip.floating_ip_address) return fip.floating_ip_address
[docs] @retry(exceptions=(StateInvalidClient, OSConflict), tries=20, delay=30, backoff=1, logger=LOGGER.debug) def add_listener(self, name=None, protocol="HTTPS", protocol_port=6443): """Adds a custom listener to the LoadBalancer""" if name is None: name = listener =, protocol=protocol, protocol_port=protocol_port, is_admin_state_up=True, name=name) if not listener: LOGGER.error("Unable to add listener '%s' to LoadBalancer %s", name, self._id) return None LOGGER.debug("Added %s listener '%s' (%s) on port %i to LB %s", protocol, name,, protocol_port, self._id) return listener
[docs] @retry(exceptions=(StateInvalidClient, OSConflict), tries=30, delay=5, backoff=1, logger=LOGGER.debug) def add_pool(self, listener_id, lb_algorithm="SOURCE_IP", protocol="HTTPS", name=None): """Adds a pool to a listener""" if name is None: name = f"{}-pool" pool =, load_balancer_id=self._id, protocol=protocol, lb_algorithm=lb_algorithm, name=name) if not pool: LOGGER.error("Unable to add pool '%s' to listener %s", name, listener_id) return None LOGGER.debug("Added %s pool '%s' (%s) with %s to listener %s", protocol, name,, lb_algorithm, listener_id) return pool
[docs] @retry(exceptions=(StateInvalidClient, OSConflict), tries=24, delay=10, backoff=0.8, logger=LOGGER.debug) def add_health_monitor(self, pool_id, name=None): """Adds a Healthmonitor to a Pool""" if name is None: name = f"{}-health" hm = delay=5, timeout=3, max_retries=4, type="TCP", pool_id=pool_id, name=name) if not hm: LOGGER.error("Unable to add health monitor '%s' to pool %s", name, pool_id) return None LOGGER.debug("Added health monitor '%s' (%s) to pool %s", name,, pool_id) return hm
[docs] @retry(exceptions=(StateInvalidClient, OSConflict, BadRequest), tries=24, delay=5, backoff=1, logger=LOGGER.debug) def add_member(self, pool_id, ip_addr, protocol_port=6443): """Adds a Listener to a Pool.""" member = pool=pool_id, subnet_id=self._subnet_id, protocol_port=protocol_port, address=ip_addr) if not member: LOGGER.error("Unable to add member '%s' to pool %s", ip_addr, pool_id) return None LOGGER.debug("Added member '%s' (%s) to pool %s on port %i", ip_addr,, pool_id, protocol_port) return member
@retry(exceptions=(OSConflict, StateInvalidClient, BadRequest), tries=25, delay=15, backoff=0.8, logger=LOGGER.debug) def _del_loadbalancer(self): try: self.conn.load_balancer.delete_load_balancer( self._id, ignore_missing=False, cascade=True) LOGGER.success("LoadBalancer '%s' (%s) deleted successfully",, self._id) except OSNotFound: LOGGER.debug("Could not find LoadBalancer %s", self._id)
[docs] @retry(exceptions=(StateInvalidClient, OSConflict), backoff=1, tries=5, delay=5, logger=LOGGER.debug) def del_member(self, member_id, pool_id): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Deletes a member from the LoadBalancer. Args: member_id (str): The ID of the member to be deleted. pool_id (str): The ID of the pool where the member is located. """ try:, pool_id, ignore_missing=False) LOGGER.debug("Deleted member %s from pool %s", member_id, pool_id) except OSNotFound: LOGGER.debug("Member %s not found in pool %s", member_id, pool_id)
[docs] @retry(exceptions=(OSConflict), backoff=1, tries=5, delay=5, logger=LOGGER.debug) def bulk_update_members(self, members, pool_id=None): """bulk update members of a listener Using this method, a Health Monitor is automatically added by openstack. Args: members (list): list containing member information pool_id (str): the Id of the pool Return: bool: indicates whether the operation succeeded or not """ if not pool_id: pool_id = self.default_pool # [{"name": "foo", "address": "", "protocol_port": "6443"}, # {"name": "bar", "address": "", "protocol_port": "6443"}, # ] response, _ = self.neutron.httpclient.do_request( self.members_uri % pool_id, 'PUT', body=json.dumps({"members": members})) if response.status_code in list(range(200, 207)): return True if response.status_code == 409: # raising this exception causes retry raise OSConflict(response.reason) return False
@property def default_pool(self): """get the default pool""" return self.conn.load_balancer.find_load_balancer([0]['id']
[docs]class SecurityGroup: """A class to create and configure a security group in OpenStack. This class behaves differently as the OSNetwork, OSSubnet and OSRouter classes as we need to additional functions on it, such as ``configure``. Args: name (str): The name of the Security Group conn: An OpenStack Connection object subnet: An OpenStack Subnet object """ def __init__(self, name, conn, subnet): = f"{name}-sec-group" self.conn = conn self.subnet = subnet = None
[docs] def add_sec_rule(self, **kwargs): """Adds a security group rule.""" try: kwargs.update({'security_group_id':}) LOGGER.debug("Adding rule %s ...", str(kwargs))**kwargs) except OSConflict: kwargs.pop('security_group_id') LOGGER.debug("Rule %s already exists" % str(kwargs))
[docs] async def del_sec_rule(self): """Deletes a security rule.""" self.conn.delete_security_group_rule(
@property def exists(self): """Checks if this SecurityGroup has been created in OpenStack.""" return self.get() is not None
[docs] def get(self): """Retrieves the SecurityGroup from OpenStack. If it exists, will also set the ``id`` attribute of the class. """ sg = if sg: = return sg
[docs] @lru_cache() def get_or_create(self): """Retrieves or creates a security group for all machines. Return: An OpenStack Security Group Object. """ secgroup = self.get() if secgroup:"Using SecurityGroup [{}] ...") else:"Creating SecurityGroup [{}] ...") secgroup = = LOGGER.debug("Created SecurityGroup: %s", secgroup) return secgroup
[docs] def configure(self): """Configures the SecurityGroup for cluster usage.""" cidr = self.subnet['cidr'] LOGGER.debug("Configuring Security Group ...") # allow communication to the API server from within the cluster # on port 80 self.add_sec_rule(direction='ingress', protocol='TCP', port_range_max=80, port_range_min=80, remote_ip_prefix=cidr) # Allow all incoming TCP/UDP inside the cluster range self.add_sec_rule(direction='ingress', protocol='UDP', remote_ip_prefix=cidr) self.add_sec_rule(direction='ingress', protocol='TCP', remote_ip_prefix=cidr) # allow all outgoing # we are behind a physical firewall anyway self.add_sec_rule(direction='egress', protocol='UDP') self.add_sec_rule(direction='egress', protocol='TCP') # Allow IPIP communication self.add_sec_rule(direction='egress', protocol=4, remote_ip_prefix=cidr) self.add_sec_rule(direction='ingress', protocol=4, remote_ip_prefix=cidr) # allow accessing the API server self.add_sec_rule(direction='ingress', protocol='TCP', port_range_max=6443, port_range_min=6443) # allow node ports # OpenStack load balancer talks to these too self.add_sec_rule(direction='egress', protocol='TCP', port_range_max=32767, port_range_min=30000) self.add_sec_rule(direction='ingress', protocol='TCP', port_range_max=32767, port_range_min=30000) # allow SSH self.add_sec_rule(direction='egress', protocol='TCP', port_range_max=22, port_range_min=22, remote_ip_prefix=cidr) self.add_sec_rule(direction='ingress', protocol='TCP', port_range_max=22, port_range_min=22)
[docs]def read_os_auth_variables(trim=True): """ Automagically read all OS_* variables and yield key: value pairs which can be used for OS connection """ env = {} for key, val in os.environ.items(): if key.startswith("OS_"): env[key[3:].lower()] = val if trim: not_in_default_rc = ('interface', 'region_name', 'identity_api_version', 'endpoint_type', ) list(env.pop(i) for i in not_in_default_rc if i in env) return env
[docs]class OSNetwork: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Manages a Network on OpenStack. The name will be taken from the config or set to ``cluster-name``-net. Args: config (dict): A dictionary containing the koris config parameters. conn: An OpenStack connection object. """ def __init__(self, config, conn): self.config = config self.conn = conn if 'private_net' not in self.config: = "%s-net" % self.config['cluster-name'] else: = self.config.get('private_net')['name']
[docs] def get(self): """Retrieves a Network from OpenStack. Returns: An OpenStack Network object, or None. """ return self.conn.get_network(
[docs] def get_or_create(self): """Retrieves or creates a Network. Returns: An OpenStack Network object. """ network = self.get() if not network:"Creating network [%s] ... " % network = self.conn.create_network(, admin_state_up=True) if 'private_net' in self.config: self.config['private_net'].update(network) else: self.config['private_net'] = network LOGGER.debug("Network: %s", network) return network
# pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements
[docs] @staticmethod def find_external_network(conn, default="ext02", fallback='bgp-noris', autodetect=True): """Finds and returns an external network in OpenStack. This function will look for all external networks, then try to find the one with name passed as the "default" parameter. In case this can't be found, it will try to return the external network with the "fallback" parameter. In case this can't be found, it will return the first external network it finds. Args: conn (:class:`OpenStackAPI.connection.connection`): An OpenStack Connection. default (str): The default external network to use. fallback (str): The fallback external network to use in case the default is not found. autodetect (bool): If network isn't given with router in the config and the default is not found try and find one. Returns: An :class:`` object or None if no external network can be found. """ # Retrieve all external networks as list ext_networks = list( nets = [x for x in ext_networks if in [default, fallback]] if nets: return nets[0] if autodetect and ext_networks: return ext_networks[0]
[docs]class OSSubnet: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Manages a Subnet on OpenStack. Args: network_id (str): The UUID of the Network to create the Subnet in. config (dict): A dictionary containing the koris config parameters. conn: An OpenStack Connection object. """ def __init__(self, network_id, config, conn): self.net_id = network_id self.config = config self.conn = conn = self._name() def _name(self): """Sets the name for Subnet. This value will either be taken from the config or set as ``cluster-name``-subnet. Returns: The name as string. """ subnet_name = None for key in ['subnet', 'subnets']: if key in self.config.get('private_net', ''): try: subnet_name = self.config.get('private_net')['subnet']['name'] except KeyError: continue if not subnet_name: subnet_name = "%s-subnet" % self.config['cluster-name'] return subnet_name
[docs] def get(self): """Retrieves a Subnet from OpenStack. Returns: An OpenStack Subnetwork Object or None. """ return
[docs] def get_or_create(self): """Retrieves or creates a Subnet on OpenStack. If a new Subnetwork is created, additional information will be saved in the config. Returns: An OpenStack Subnetwork Object. """ out = self.get() if out: LOGGER.debug("Subnet: %s", out) return out"Creating Subnet [%s] ..." % subnet = {} if 'subnet' in self.config.get('private_net', {}): subnet['cidr'] = self.config.get('private_net').get('subnet')['cidr'] else: subnet['cidr'] = '' subnet['ip_version'] = 4 subnet['network_id'] = self.net_id subnet['name'] = out = name=subnet['name'], ip_version=subnet['ip_version'], network_id=subnet['network_id'], cidr=subnet['cidr'] ) self.config['private_net']['subnet'] = subnet LOGGER.debug("Subnet: %s", out) return out
[docs]class OSRouter: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """A class managing a Router on OpenStack. Args: network_id (str): The UUID of the OpenStack Network. subnet: An OpenStack Subnetwork Object. config (dcit): A dictionary containing koris config parameters. conn: An OpenStack Connection Object. """ def __init__(self, network_id, subnet, config, conn): self.net_id = network_id self.subnet = subnet self.config = config self.conn = conn = self._name() self.ext_net = self._get_ext_net() def _name(self): """Returns the name of the default Router.""" if 'router' in self.config.get('private_net', {}).get('subnet', {}): router_name = self.config.get( 'private_net')['subnet']['router']['name'] else: router_name = "%s-rt" % self.config['cluster-name'] return router_name def _get_ext_net(self): """Sets the external network on the Router. Raises: RuntimeError if external network doesn't exist. Returns: The external network as OpenStack Network Object. """ fallback = self.config.get('private_net', {}).get('subnet', {}).get('router', {}).get('name') ext_net = OSNetwork.find_external_network( self.conn, fallback=fallback) if not ext_net: msg = (f"Could not find any external network " "({fallback} specified for router isn't found either.)") LOGGER.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) return ext_net
[docs] def get(self): """Retrieves a Router by the default name from OpenStack.""" return
[docs] def get_or_create(self): """Retrieves or creates a Router on OpenStack. Function will create the router, create a new port and add it as an interface to the router, then adding and external gateway. Returns: An OpenStack Router object. """ router = self.get() if not router:"Creating Router [{}] ...") LOGGER.debug("Setting up Router ...") router =, admin_state_up=True) LOGGER.debug(router) LOGGER.debug("Creating new Port for Router ...") router_ip = IPNetwork(self.subnet.get('cidr', ""))[1] fixed_ips = [{ "ip_address": str(router_ip), "subnet_id": self.subnet['id'] }] port ="{}-port", network_id=self.net_id, admin_state_up=True, fixed_ips=fixed_ips) LOGGER.debug("Created Port: %s", port) LOGGER.debug("Attaching Port to Router as interface ...") cmd = router=router, subnet_id=self.subnet['id'], ) LOGGER.debug("Updated Router: %s", cmd) LOGGER.debug("Adding external Gateway to Router ...") cmd = router, external_gateway_info={"network_id":} ) LOGGER.debug("Router: %s", cmd) return router
[docs]class OSCloudConfig: """ Data class to hold the configuration file for kubernetes cloud provider """ def __init__(self, subnet_id=None): os_vars = read_os_auth_variables(trim=False) self.subnet_id = subnet_id self.username = os_vars['username'] self.password = os_vars['password'] self.auth_url = os_vars['auth_url'] self.__dict__.update(os_vars) # pylint does not catch the additions of member we add above self.tenant_id = self.project_id # pylint: disable=no-member self.__dict__.pop('project_id') del os_vars def __str__(self): global_ = textwrap.dedent(""" [Global] username="%s" password="%s" auth-url="%s" tenant-id="%s" domain-name="%s" region="%s" """ % (self.username, self.password, self.auth_url, # pylint: disable=no-member self.tenant_id, self.user_domain_name, # pylint: disable=no-member self.region_name)).lstrip() # pylint: disable=no-member lb = "" if self.subnet_id: lb = textwrap.dedent(""" [LoadBalancer] subnet-id=%s #use-octavia=true """ % (self.subnet_id)) return global_ + lb def __bytes__(self): return base64.b64encode(str(self).encode())
[docs]def distribute_host_zones(hosts, zones): """ this divides the lists of hosts into zones >>> hosts >>> ['host1', 'host2', 'host3', 'host4', 'host5'] >>> zones >>> ['A', 'B'] >>> list(zip([hosts[i:i + n] for i in range(0, len(hosts), n)], zones)) # noqa >>> [(['host1', 'host2', 'host3'], 'A'), (['host4', 'host5'], 'B')] # noqa """ if len(zones) == len(hosts): hosts = [(i, ) for i in hosts] return list(zip(hosts, zones)) hosts = [hosts[start::len(zones)] for start in range(len(zones))] return list(zip(hosts, zones))
[docs]class OSClusterInfo: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Class containing various information of the cluster. This tries to retrieve the Network, Subnetwork, Router and Security Group from OpenStack. If any of those can't be retrieved, the attributes are set to ``None``. The function :meth:`.setup_networking` can initialize all resources. It is the responsibility of the client to check if the resources are available and set them up, if necessary. Args: nova_client: An OpenStack NOVA Client neutron_client: An OpenStack NEUTRON Client cinder_client: An OpenStack CINDER Client config (dict): A dictionary containing koris config parameters. conn: An OpenStack Connection Object. """ def __init__(self, nova_client, neutron_client, cinder_client, config, conn): self.conn = conn self.keypair = nova_client.keypairs.get(config['keypair']) self.node_flavor = nova_client.flavors.find(name=config['node_flavor']) self.master_flavor = nova_client.flavors.find( name=config['master_flavor']) try: = OSNetwork(config, self.conn).get() self.subnet = OSSubnet(['id'], config, self.conn).get() self.router = OSRouter(['id'], self.subnet, config, self.conn).get() self.subnet_id = self.subnet['id'] self.secgroup = SecurityGroup(config['cluster-name'], self.conn, subnet=self.subnet) sg = self.secgroup.get() self.secgroups = [] except (TypeError, KeyError, AttributeError): = None self.subnet = None self.router = None self.subnet_id = None self.secgroup = None self.secgroups = [] = config['cluster-name'] self.n_nodes = config['n-nodes'] self.n_masters = config['n-masters'] self.azones = config['availibility-zones'] self.storage_class = config['storage_class'] self._image_name = config['image'] self._image = None self._nova = nova_client self._neutron = neutron_client self._cinder = cinder_client self.config = config
[docs] def setup_networking(self, config=None): """Creates Network, Subnet, Router and Security Group if necessary. This function is ephemeral, as it checks if the resources are existing, before creating them. Args: config (dict): A dictionary containing the koris config parameters. """ if not config: config = self.config if not = OSNetwork(config, self.conn).get_or_create() else: LOGGER.debug(f"Using existing Network [{}] ...") if not self.subnet: self.subnet = OSSubnet(['id'], config, self.conn).get_or_create() else: LOGGER.debug(f"Using existing Subnet [{}] ...") if not self.router: self.router = OSRouter(['id'], self.subnet, config, self.conn).get_or_create() else: LOGGER.debug(f"Using existing Router [{}] ...") if not self.secgroup: self.secgroup = SecurityGroup(name=config['cluster-name'], conn=self.conn, subnet=self.subnet) if not self.secgroup.exists: sg = self.secgroup.get_or_create() else: LOGGER.debug(f"Using existing SecurityGroup [{}] ...") if not self.secgroups: sg = self.secgroup.get_or_create() self.secgroups = []
@property def image(self): """Find the koris image in OpenStack We use self._image in order to save us doing multiple calls to OpenStack every time the property is called. """ if self._image is None: try: self._image = self._nova.glance.find_image(self._image_name)"Found image %s", self._image_name) except (NoUniqueMatch, NovaNotFound): _id = [ for l in self.conn.list_images() if == self._image_name] if _id: self._image = self._nova.glance.find_image(_id[0]) else: LOGGER.warning("Image %s was not found", self._image_name) self._image = '' return self._image def _get(self, hostname, zone, role): """Retrieves an Instance from OpenStack.""" volume_config = {'image': self._image, 'class': self.storage_class} inst = None try: _server = self._nova.servers.find(name=hostname) LOGGER.debug("Found instance %s", hostname) inst = Instance(self._cinder, self._nova,,, zone, role, volume_config, _server.flavor) try: inst.ports.append(_server.interface_list()[0]) except IndexError: LOGGER.warning("No network found for %s", hostname) inst.exists = True except NovaNotFound: pass return inst @lru_cache() def _get_or_create(self, hostname, zone, role, flavor): """Find if a instance exists Openstack. If instance is found return Instance instance with the info. If not found create a NIC and assign it to an Instance instance. """ volume_config = {'image': self.image, 'class': self.storage_class} inst = self._get(hostname, zone, role) if inst: LOGGER.debug("Found instance %s", hostname) return inst LOGGER.debug("Creatig new instance %s", hostname) self.setup_networking() inst = Instance(self._cinder, self._nova, hostname,, zone, role, volume_config, flavor) inst.attach_port(self._neutron,['id'], self.secgroups) return inst @property def netclient(self): """return the current network client""" return self._neutron @property def compute_client(self): """return the current compute client""" return self._nova @property def storage_client(self): """return the current storage client""" return self._cinder @property def nodes_names(self): """get the host names of all worker nodes""" return host_names("node", self.n_nodes, @property def management_names(self): """get the host names of all control plane nodes""" return host_names("master", self.n_masters,
[docs] def distribute_management(self): """ distribute control plane nodes in the different availability zones """ mz = list(distribute_host_zones(self.management_names, self.azones)) for hosts, zone in mz: for host in hosts: yield self._get_or_create(host, zone, 'master',
[docs] def distribute_nodes(self): """ distribute worker nodes in the different availability zones """ hz = list(distribute_host_zones(self.nodes_names, self.azones)) for hosts, zone in hz: for host in hosts: yield self._get_or_create(host, zone, 'node',
[docs] def get_instances(self, role="node"): """Retrieve all nodes as Instances""" if role == "node": hz = list(distribute_host_zones(self.nodes_names, self.azones)) else: hz = list(distribute_host_zones(self.management_names, self.azones)) for hosts, zone in hz: for host in hosts: yield self._get(host, zone, role)