Software architecture --------------------- This document lays out the basics of koris' software architecture. koris is written in Python and bash, to work on the project you need basic understanding of both programming language, plus an understanding of OpenStack and Kubernetes. Koris uses Python to communicate with the OpenStack API to provision virtual machines and to configure a loadbalancer to serve HTTP request to the Kubernetes API. When you run ``koris apply `` the configuration file is parsed and the following actions will be taken: 1. Query openstack for the kubernetes cluster status, and openstack resources status. These include: security group existence and rules, volumes, machines and loadbalancer. 2. Creation of volumes based on pre-created images which already contain the software packages needed to bootstrap a kubernetes cluster. 3. Creation of virtual network interfaces. 4. Create a set of virtual machines with attached volume and network interface previously created. This first set of machines (1 or more) are the kubernetes masters. 5. Create a loadbalancer and add the first master to the loadbalancer listener members. 6. The first master will boot with a special cloud-init served via the Openstack API and will configure a single master of kubernetes with and etcd static pod. This master has an SSH key which can access the other master. When these masters will have SSH up and running, the bootstrap script will execute a set of commands on them. This commmand will configure the kubernetes control plane components to run on them and and extend the etcd cluster by adding cluster members. 7. Create a set of virtual machines that will become kubernetes worker nodes. These machines will boot with a volume and network interfaces pre-configured earlier. These machines will receive a cloud-init script which will supply the information needed for joining the kubernetes cluster in a secure way. 8. When all the control plane machines are booted, the loadbalancer balancer is reconfigured again, and all the masters are added to the loadbalancer's listener. Steps 4 and 7 actually happen in parallel, since these steps are not dependent on each other. The nodes will wait for the kubernetes cluster API to become available if they complete the boot sequence first. The :ref:`koris` source code is devided into modules and packages responsible for the steps above. The main driver of the steps describe above is in :py:mod:`` which abstracts the dirty details of communication with the OpenStack API, which is found in :py:mod:``. The package :py:mod:`koris.provision` includes a python module :py:mod:`koris.provision.cloud_init` responsible of preparing the cloud-init file (also known as ``userdata``) for each machine type. The directory :ref:`userdata` contains all the BASH shell scripts for each machine type. These shell scripts can be used to provision bare metal clusters with minimal effort too. The module :py:mod:`koris.ssl` is responsible of creating SSL keys and certificates used by ``kubeadm`` for creating the etcd cluster and kubernetes cluster which uses it for its storage backend. The module is also used to create SSH key infrastructure use by the cluster first master to SSH into the other masters. The packages :py:mod:`koris.util` contains general purpose code to handle exceptions, logging and coloring output.